Animal abuse throughout the world

by ArabellaMortimerHendry

Animal abuse and why it has to stop. My views on animal abuse. Be the voice of animals . for more information about me google , Arabella Mortimer Hendry Love Tie

I used to help out at a dog kennel, Whilst I was there I made friends with a variety of dogs. Including a Pit-bull who had the sweetest temperament. He was missing half his nose because his owner had beat him up. I also met a Rottweiler who was abandoned by her owner because she had a skin condition. People think Rottweiler's and Pit-bulls are dangerous dogs! I have never heard so much rubbish! Dogs are not dangerous unless you train them to be.

Animals don't bite back unless they have been threatened or emotionally abused. And many people seem to forget that! The majority of us have dogs and cats, Would you ever abandon them? If you adopt an animal it instantly becomes a member of the family! That's my view on it. Over the years we have had many rescue cats and dogs. We even celebrate their birthdays! and why not, they are part of the family. Like any dog/cat lover I was disgusted by reading about the Dog and Cat meat trade in particular parts of the world.

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Updated on October 14, 2015

Black Fish and the meat industry

I used to help out at a dog kennel, Whilst I was there I made friends with a variety of dogs. Including a Pit-bull who had the sweetest temperament. He was missing half his nose because his owner had beat him up. I also met a Rottweiler who was abandoned by her owner because she had a skin condition. People think Rottweiler's and Pit-bulls are dangerous dogs! I have never heard so much rubbish! Dogs are not dangerous unless you train them to be.

Animals don't bite back unless they have been threatened or emotionally abused. And many people seem to forget that! The majority of us have dogs and cats, Would you ever abandon them? If you adopt an animal it instantly becomes a member of the family! That's my view on it. Over the years we have had many rescue cats and dogs. We even celebrate their birthdays! and why not, they are part of the family. Like any dog/cat lover I was disgusted by reading about the Dog and Cat meat trade in particular parts of the world.

Even though you may sign many petitions to help make it stop, on Facebook. That's just a signature, All of us who love animals need to stand up and really make a difference! Animals don't ask us for anything, apart from our love. How would you feel if that was your beloved cat or dog, in a net with other dogs. Being whipped and kicked , and punched. Even hacked to death whilst they are alive! I am so ashamed of the human race. How could anyone be so cruel to a defenseless animal.

A couple of weeks ago, I looked into animals in captivity...

Sea-world is one of " best" attractions to go to in America. However over the years there have been countless reports of Orcas attacking their trainers. I did some digging and I came across the documentary Black Fish. Which exposes Sea-world for what it really is. Fishermen go out and hunt down a pod of Orcas. Desperate to protect their young the Orcas split up in hope of confusing the hunters. They are trapped, by huge nets which have been cast all around the perimeter they are swimming in. For the next hour or so the Orca pod will endure terrible emotional pain, as their children are taken away from them by the fishermen.

Their cries echo for miles. The hunters pull the nets with the baby Orcas closer to the speedboats. Where they hoist them up on deck, and take them away to begin a new life of captivity. They will never see their parents again or the ocean. As the boat drives away the Orcas who were released back wail and scream, distraught and heartbroken.

The baby Orcas are dumped into a tank and trained to do shows for the public. They circle the tank alone and scared occasionally wailing for the family, that is waiting for them in the sea. Is it any wonder that Orcas attack their trainers? After all that they have been through!? There has never been a recorded Orca attack when the Orcas have been living in the ocean. It is disgusting how we think we can pluck whatever animal we like and put it in a cage or captivity. Because we are human.

Updated: 11/27/2015, ArabellaMortimerHendry
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DerdriuMarriner on 09/08/2022

The computer crashed before I could add a second component to my comment-box question below.

Would you happen to know if the film release of the documentary Blackfish has effected any changes in how places such as SeaWorld recruit their sentient animal residents?

DerdriuMarriner on 09/07/2022

The documentary Blackfish was released in 2013.

Would you happen to know if its revelations have effected any changes toward correct, gentle, hygienic, proper care of sentient animals in places such as animal parks and zoos and in SeaWorld?

DerdriuMarriner on 05/21/2022

What dog breed is your canine sentient Lucy? She looks appreciative, aware, beautiful, intelligent and sensitive like animal sentients/sentient animals are here to be. She would make a photogenic poster dog against animal abuse.

DerdriuMarriner on 05/16/2022

Frank, Thank you for including such a heartwarming story from your own experience. In particular, I like your interpretation. I might have just thought of the nightly checks as love and loyalty. But it really moves me to think even deeper of moral qualities and sense of duty.

frankbeswick on 05/14/2022

My aunt and uncle used to have a terrier called Judy. When my mother was in hospital, when I was eleven, my aunt stayed to look after us [she was unable to have children of her own.] She brought Judy. Every night Judy toured the children's bedrooms before she settled down to sleep. She used to stand up on her hind legs to check that we were safely in bed. She was not trained to do this, it was spontaneous/voluntary behaviour. This is a case of an animal showing moral qualities. Like many dogs she was not only a sentient, but a being who could feel something akin to love and a sense of duty.

DerdriuMarriner on 05/12/2022

Revisiting your wizzley caused me to consider something related that was in the news sometime within the past month.

In particular, it's so poignant to hear that an owner would destroy half of anyone's nostrils and that another owner would reject anyone who needed help for a skin condition.

I think of animals as sentients who can sense when someone is going to have a heart attack or a stroke and who show great affection, bravery and loyalty.

Would you happen to have read about the dog named King who, despite dehydration and emaciation, guarded his friend's body for two weeks until the two were found along hiking trails?

DerdriuMarriner on 03/25/2017

Arabella Mortimer Hendry, Thank you for caring about family and wild animals, especially the cats and dogs in our lives and the "performing animals" who win our hearts even though they may not be experiencing the standards of care that Gunther Gebel-Williams and the Czech Republic zoos perfect.

ArabellaMortimerHendry on 12/04/2015

I agree :)

frankbeswick on 12/01/2015

We need to reflect on the hierarchy of being. While some animals, such as molluscs, have a low level of consciousness, some such as dolphins, dogs, elephants and apes have such a high level of consciousness that there are suggestions that they are either persons or nearly persons. Dolphins may have already reached personhood, as have some apes, for they can display moral behaviour. The implications of this are serious: while it is always wrong to unnecessarily harm an animal, to kill one of these higher animals is murder, unless done for self-defence.

WriterArtist on 11/30/2015

Humans have always exploited the resources of planet Earth. Whether it is the Amazon forest or flora and fauna of the planet, we have destroyed the rarest of species. It is important to address these issues otherwise it will become too late.

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